Co´ox Mayab is a union of tourism cooperatives located in various parts of the state of Yucatan. From our organization we work for the construction of a more solidary, fair and conscious tourism in the Mayab; for what we organize periodic assemblies in the different cooperatives that are part of us, so that the majority of the partners can come to share information, to be trained, to talk and to take decisions on the future of this initiative.
Thus, on Friday, March 29th, the first 2019 Ordinary General Assembly of “Co’ox Mayab”, Turismo Alternativo Comunitario S.C. de C.V de R.L., took place. This assembly was organized in the facilities of the cooperative Unajil Ek Balam, with the presence of members representing all the cooperatives that make up our social enterprise. The main objective was to inform the members about the activities and the results of the work carried out during the past year; as well as to present some proposals for action for the current year.

Map of Yucatan signaling the locations of the cooperatives and our strategis allies.
The assembly began with an attendance list, followed by the corresponding legal installation and the appointment of the board. It is worth mentioning that for this process to be carried out in a correct and legal manner, we have the support of Juvencio Torres, who has extensive experience in working with cooperatives and has advised us since our begginings on legal aspects.

This was followed by a presentation of the actions carried out thanks to the support of the National Institute for Social Development (INDESOL), ADO Foundation, and the german foundation VISOZIAL, through UADY Foundation, who have placed their trust in our initiative by giving us resources to strengthen us in terms of operational, organizational, commercial and tourism quality.

We continue to work to develop Alternative Community-based Tourism in the Yucatan, promoting the practice of a fair, solidary and conscious tourism that benefits all its actors, the economy and our environment.