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Because to travel is to learn, we have designed specialized trips for groups of university students and teachers who are looking for real learning scenarios, where the topics discussed in the classroom are complemented by the different realities from the Yucatan.
These trips combine recreational and animation activities in the cooperatives, as well as group conversations related to the topics of interest of the groups, both with members of the cooperatives and with academics and local authorities, making the trip a more enriching experience on a personal, professional and academic level.
Our educational tours in Yucatan are tailor-made, so it is possible to adjust them to the learning needs of each group. It is also possible to organize experience exchanges with other cooperatives or local organizations from all over the world. Read about the main themes of our educational trips:
[bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#9E3F0D” icon=”arrow” expand_text=”Tourism, Social Economy and Mayan Culture” collapse_text=”Show less” ]
Tourism, Social Economy and Mayan Culture
Tourism is one of the fastest growing activities worldwide, contributing increasingly to the global economy. However, the predominant model of tourism development, mass or large-scale tourism, has shown its negative impacts on the environment and society.
In these educational tours in Yucatan, alternative forms of travel such as community-based tourism, ecotourism and rural tourism are introduced to broaden students’ view of the ways in which tourism can be practiced, as well as its implications and challenges. Similarly, students are introduced to the concept of social solidarity economy by visiting cooperatives and ejidos (common land organizations) that engage in different activities in addition to tourism.
Finally, the theme of Mayan culture and identity is addressed, present in the context of the activities being developed. These trips give the opportunity to interact with members of the cooperatives to get their perspective, as well as to reflect on the impacts of tourism on local culture.
Students will be able to complement the knowledge acquired in the classroom in a recreational tour that allows contact with new realities that encourage reflection, as well as interacting with the hosts to resolve doubts at first hand.
Addressed topics:
- Present-day Mayan culture
- Cultural identity
- Rescue of traditional knowledge
- Tourism and cultural revaluation
- Influence of tourism on cultural activities
- Use of daily/cultural activities for tourism
- Social Solidarity Economy
- Social organization
- Sustainable administration and management of resources
- Cooperativism
Related courses or degrees:
- Tourism
- Anthropology
- Architecture
- Archaeology
- Communication studies
- Intercultural development/management
- History
- Sociology
- Administration
- Economy
- Social Sciences
- Workshops and guided tours focused on the use of daily activities for tourism, identity, customs and traditions.
- Group conversations with members of the cooperatives.
- Documentaries, animation and reflection activities.
[bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#9E3F0D” icon=”arrow” expand_text=”Beekeeping Meliponiculture and Sustainable Local Production” collapse_text=”Show less” ]
Beekeeping, Meliponiculture and Sustainable Local Production
Organic farming and sustainable local production have become important today due to the need to produce healthier food and to mitigate negative impacts on the environment.
In these educational trips in Yucatan we propose to visit cooperatives and sites that put into practice the principles of sustainable local production and that are real learning scenarios for students, in addition to the knowledge acquired in the classroom.
Beekeeping and meliponiculture are also of great importance in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is recognized for the quality of its honey production. We propose to visit family melipona beehives as part of the Mayan household (solar) production system, as well as examples of commercial beekeeping production.
The students will be able to expand their knowledge in this recreational trip where they will also be able to interact with the members of the cooperatives to learn about new forms of community-based organization and resolve their doubts at first hand.
Discussed topics:
- Agroecology
- Production and sustainability
- Ecotechniques
- Meliponiculture
- Beekeeping
- Sustainable forest management systems
Related courses or degrees:
- Agroecology
- Agronomy
- Agritourism
- Biology
- Earth Sciences
- Natural Resources Management
- Natural Sciences
- Workshops and guided tours.
- Group conversations with members of the cooperatives.
- Documentaries, animation and reflection activities.
[bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#9E3F0D” icon=”arrow” expand_text=”Biodiversity, Nature and Conservation” collapse_text=”Show less” ]
Biodiversity, Nature and Conservation
The Yucatan is home to a large number of species of both flora and fauna. Especially birds, in Yucatan you can find 50% of all birds that live in Mexico. Urban expansion and the depredation of natural areas are increasingly threatening the region’s biodiversity.
In these educational tours in Yucatan we propose to visit coastal sites with cooperatives specialized in tours with flora and fauna interpretation. It is also possible to visit sites located in the Puuc Biocultural State Reserve, one of the sites with the largest forest cover in the state.
These educational tours give the opportunity to visit real learning scenarios in natural areas (Natural Protected Areas, Environmental Management Units and Reserves) and interact with the different actors in these areas to learn about their vision and experience to complement the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom.
Discussed topics:
- Sustainable forest management
- Ecotechniques
- Coastal zone management
- Territorial planning
- Natural Protected Areas
Related courses or degrees:
- Sustainable Management of Coastal Areas
- Natural Resources Management
- Biology
- Marine Biology
- Environmental Engineering, Forestry or related
- Earth Sciences
- Natural Sciences
- Workshops and guided tours.
- Group conversations with members of the cooperatives.
- Documentaries, animation and reflection activities.
Request your tailor-made educational tour in Yucatan: ventas@cooxmayab.com
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