The 2nd General Assembly of this year took place on October 4 in Cenotillo, with the purpose of presenting the report of the activities from January to August 2019 and proposals for projects to come to the representative partners.
The hosts of this assembly were the members of the “Alianza Ambiental Tsonot Kaaj” cooperative who received the ten cooperatives that make up the second level organization.
During the course, representatives of the mayor of Cenotillo, Martha Leticia Nuñez Polanco, visited and recognized the event as a legal authority.
In addition to the assembly, and in order to continue with the training efforts, workshops were held with the partners, where identity and Tren Maya topics were discussed.
The assembly is itinerant, with the objective that the partners can get to know each other better, their work and their projects. On this occasion we had the opportunity to spend some time in the Xooch Cenote and to go for a quick swim.
We are a community-based organization that seeks the collective benefit of a sustainable practice of tourism. The assembly is the highest decision-making authority of the organization and as time goes by it becomes more participative and stronger in the organization. On this occasion, the members also had the opportunity to celebrate the CEMEX-TEC 2019 Award and the Social Entrepreneurship 2019 Award of the IYEM.